Rumor: Samsung PC Division Could Be Getting Sold To Lenovo

Word over the internet has it that Samsung PC division could be sold to Lenovo in the near future. Samsung has been making some changes in the company and it seems that the company has been cutting off failing ventures.
Samsung has sold its printer division to HP for $1 Billion so it could be possible that the Samsung PC division will be sold to Lenovo. Lenovo is the world’s largest PC manufacturer in terms of shipments and it could buy the Samsung PC division but as of right now it is not clear what the company would get out of this deal.
Samsung PC Division
It is rumored that Samsung is being represented by Paul Hastings and Lenovo is being represented by Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer. Word has it that the Samsung PC division could be worth $850 million. Lenovo could write a check for that amount but it seems that negotiations have been going on for a couple of weeks now but there have been no developments.
Neither company has spoken about the matter. Lenovo has recently bought Motorolla which has played an important role when it comes to the smartphone segment and this could help the company out in the PC market. Not that they need it.


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