Blogging For Money Has Changed: Here Is How Smart Blogger Can Profit In 2016
The number of internet years you work online, you can sure that the experience you gain will be different from what you will meet tomorrow. The dog or cat years are shorter than the internet years. You will get roughly 10 years for every year that you get to work online. Of all the inventions that the human mind has invented, internet is the platform that is faced with such huge evolution and change. The impact of internet cannot be overemphasized since it has played immense role in the development of the information technology in the world. Bloggers who began their online work in the last 20 years or so are feeling that they have been ion the system for so long that they are beginning to get old. This is in comparison with the younger generation whose mind is changed and well advanced in terms of new things that the old generation cannot

What never changes?

The same fundamentals are used across the board for everyone. Business has no short cut. It is business. The reasons why people visit your site will change from one person to another, but the reason people do marketing will remain in posterity. This boils down to what really drives a man to make the choices that he or she makes. This may remain the same for a number of centuries not unless the passion that drives men will change: status, power, health, money, security, and pleasure among others.

Technology will always change

The thing that changes across the board is the field that we play in and the tools of trade that we use so as to make people buy what you are offering. The internet world and technology world are offering platforms that make it rather easy to develop an application that your clients can use to shop from your site without having a physical interaction with you. You can sell newspapers, trade journals, movies, and other stuff if and only if you are friendly to the technology of today. The ease of online implementation is incredible hence the speed of development is pretty high. Competition is also evolving, leaders are changing day ini day out and companies are rising and falling at an alarming rate. You should always have new options of doing trade on your site since you are the sole owner of your site, and what you offer to your clients today should be different from what they will get from you tomorrow. Internet is not like a hotel, where you should work to maintaining the brand you offer. Internet is a place where you should always change what you are offering to your clients day in day out. They should not feel as if they are being shortchanged from what you are offering to them. This is critical since a business based on technology is poised to have a shell life. If you want to have a sustainable business, then your dynamics of distribution should be very flexible and fluid.


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